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The Me

Marcus Lee
Delievered from parent- 7 July 1990
Born again at age of 7

St.Hilda's Pri/Sec '06
Temasek Poly, Marketing '09
HMC, Joshua Generation
Hope for Monday



Necessary Details

Loves God.
Loves Life.
Loves Family, and 3 dogs.

Unnecessary Details

Loves Music, drumming
Loves clothes
Loves food (let's be honest)
Summary: Need money.

Can't stand public nose diggers
Can't stand myself sometimes
Can't stand Know-it-Alls

stickman's Talk

Linkin-g Park

(In the end, it doesn't even matter.)
Adriel Wong
Aiken Chia
Amanda Lee
Benjamin Choo
Benjamin Seow
Daron Ang
Jasmine Low
Katherine Lim
Nicholas See
Niki Goh
Sarah Lim
Shirline Siew
Vanessa Lim V-may
Ying Nuo

Benjamin Lim
Becky Tan
Elizabeth Eng
Felicia Lim
Isabel Bei
Isabella Sim
Joy Sim
Kenneth Yip
Priscilla Su
Rachel Tan
Stacy Foo
Stephanie Loh
Warren Tan
William Koh

Jess Choo
Verena Lin

Sylvia Tan
Sze Ying

Germaine Lee

July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

(GET IT??)

On Monday, a few of us went to the coffeeshop opposite Thomson Medical to eat the best Beef Hor Fun in Sungapore. Fun hor hor fun. Oh, and did you guys hear that Paula Abdul was withdrawing from the season of american idol? Damn, i wanted her to be judging me. HAHA. There was mention about a deal not being reached. I honestly believe paula would never have wanted to leave idol (who would), but pride always plays a bigger part in the media doesn't it. Or maybe this could after all be another one of their superbly well planned marketing gimmicks (like the bad blood between seacrest and cowell) to draw even more viewers. Who knows?

Yesterday was spent at school, with dinner at Changi V followed by drinks at bark cafe. With Niki being part of the group, it's no surprise that we've got pictures.

The ride.

When we hit Changi V, the 3 of us guys got really interested in this really huge ant nest.
The girls went through the typical motion: "See, scream, cringe and walk off".
Us guys stayed though, relieving that "playful boy" sense that i guess will never disappear.
As you can see, it wasn't any ordinary ant nest. They look mutated, X-ants.

Not all of them have pincers like this. But this shot was captured when we tried provoking
it with a twig. Damn. Potential photo award winner.

To Bark Cafe

I'm not going to be the one to set the timer the next time round.


Girls have their moments

Daron's attempt to write his name, not too bad if you compare it to the next picture.

Which was my attempt to write my name.

Every girl has that secret dream to be an angel.

Adriel's star.


And we managed to snap some Polaroids as well, with Vmay's and YanJun's.

I said the one who looked uglier in the picture would get to bring it home.
What Niki would do for a picture.

More Polaroids

And more.






If only. HAHAHAHA. (Note, This is in no relation to my title)

The exam mood seriously hasn't gotten into me, considering the fact that i haven't started studying for any paper despite them starting tomorrow. Die. I better start soon, i still want my....


Till then.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Floor the Brake, we need a Break.

Today, after service, 4 of us guys had a "Boys' day out" watching 'The Hangover'. Namely Lem, Warren and Glen. Lovely. We actually contemplated taking a neoprint together. It's always nice to go out with just the guys once in awhile to talk about everything under the sun; because some things just can't be brought up with girls around.

Caught 'Public Enemies' with A, D, Rach and Siew on Friday. I nearly fell asleep, but the never ending sudden use of bullets never failed to jolt me out of sleep. Not so exciting, but then again, it's a true story, which makes it all quite cool suddenly.

This was before the movie, dinner at 'Foo House' with some of the other marketers after Frisbee.



On Friday, the marketing cohort had to go and attend a talk about further studies. And if you know what i mean, these talks never fail to cause you to start thinking about the bleak future, where everything's heading and where you will be next time. Then there's the entry requirements where you start to fret over grades; and not forgetting the extra-curricular activities (all those without a CCA say Amen now). I always have this habit of freaking myself out about my next institute of study, always keeping the fact in mind that your school forms part of you.

But i've also come to the realisation after much thinking, that God has never forsaken in me in making such major decisions. Be it the Primary (which is a top school now btw), Secondary (which was my 5th choice, ^&*!&#) and the Polytechnic (which i actually chose cause i was one point away from my personal cut-off to go JC). As a few of us recalled our secondary school days, adriel pointed out that he would never want to change anything (in terms of the schools). My sentiments exactly. The experiences, the friends, and even the teachers (lecturers please be reading this now and start increasing my marks). I wouldnt give it up for anything. I have never regretted any of my decisions to any school. And it is God's faithfulness that actually allows me to believe my next level of study will be just as great.

I know fully that when i am about to enter the workforce, i will be able to look back to the very enriching education i had and wish the wish every working adult wishes, to still be studying.

Till then.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


This advert's been going on for quite awhile and i have no choice but to post it up. Seriously, it's hilarious. You know something that makes you laugh non-stop though others don't find it that funny? This ad is it for me. hahaha. Damn, cadbury has good marketers. CADBURY, HIRE ME AS YOUR INTERN.

In any case, i just came back from worship practice. The whole thing looked like a failure from the start. No bassist could make it, no keyboardist, just the drums and 2 guitars. But God does work wonders, this Sunday's worship is going to be great. There's a saxophone too. Beat that.

Till then.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

System Back Online

With the projects and presentations finally done, i decided it was about time i entertained this page again (lest i regret in future with lesser stuff to read up on). It's been a long time since i last logged in that i had problems trying to remember my password on blogger, logging in successfully only after like 3 attempts. For a moment there, i honestly thought blogger had kicked me out of their database and that i had to move on to like livejournal or something. Thankfully that wasn't the case. And in case you were wondering, no i haven't been using twitter which could be the reason for the lack of update.

Basically, some pictures to tell the story.

This has got to be my favourite-st picture from the wedding

This comes in as a close second.

Then a picture with the skillful ben and rach.

This was mambo night, can't remember when, but the "whole" TP was there.
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down!"

Not forgetting the drinks

This was the kelong trip right after mambo (literally, leaving like 2 hours after coming home) where i got like a million bedbug bites from. Thank God i decided to wear underwear to sleep or things could have turned out worse.

At the kelong (The sun was treacherous)

Snorkel Snorkel Snorkel

And all the hype that was going on since the start of the year, the musical itself.
It was such a success and we couldn't have done it without the help of everyone.
Late nights, rehearsal after rehearsal, early saturday mornings to record the tracks, and who could forget ARS!
Glory to God.

The "everyone" of 17 year old virgin

The friends who came along

Drum setup on actual day

A few days later on July 7th, i was forced to turn 19. Some friends came over with a really innovative cake as you can see. No doubt it was a cake; CARROT CAKE.

The picture we took at the carpark before we left for supper.
It was the first time Niki drove i think, and rach taking the other wheel as usual. The guys here suck (including myself), more and more of the girls are getting their licenses while none of us guys have one. Times are seriously changing.

Teochew porridge buffet for nuo's birthday like 2 days later.
Nuo: "7th, 9th, 21st. All odd numbers so you won't forget. "
July Babies Ftw.


Down to kallang macs after the buffet (Yea what pigs. No we didn't eat again. But i would have considered if there was shaker fries then. Damn it, they should so make it a permanent item on the menu right?!?!).
I like how rach tries to give an illusion she's in the air, and nuo doing her run-jump pose with such enthusiasm.

This was the Business school awards ceremony.
That's our course manager in the middle, and my mum peeking out on the left.

Then came Adriel's 19th, which was such a great surprise. RIGHT?!
Thai express seriously does birthday dinners really well. A present is included for the birthday boy so there is no need to get him anything else.

Why there isn't a need for the new black. Marketing Brotherzxzxz siol.

So, life for the past month or so. July's been great, despite it being a scare as i looked at it on my planner back then in June. The musical, the project submissions, the presentations, the tests and the birthdays which i thought would have to take the backstage. Thank God everything's over, but thank God it happened as well. End of July, hello August. My planner says end-sem tests and semestral exam. My optimistic side speaks church family carnival, national day, and allowance for the new month! HAHA.

The band is finally doing something productive at a high def studio that God blessed us with. It honestly isn't easy having to commit to things like school and church, and at the same time hope to do something with a band despite it being something you love, cause no matter what, it has to be secondary compared to all the other commitments. But on the other hand, i do believe passion supercedes all of those. Then comes vision, which the whole band has to look towards. Brings about a whole new bag of problems. Still, do expect something. =)

The studio where they gave me 10 channels for a simple 4 piece setup.
3 channels for the bass drum. Should have gotten a picture of the really complicated mic-ing.

And the fatigue that set in.

I suppose that's all for now. Oh wait, have you guys seen the latest cadbury advert? Omg, when she takes out the balloon, the expression on her face together with her twitching hands to make that sound, hilarious. I go crazy right there and then.

Till then.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The sequel

Blogger's probably considering to close me down to open up for more users after my lack of updates. If the tags are actually truee....Haven't been much into the mood of penning down my thoughts or rather, typing them down and i blame my laziness. Of course that only accounts for 0.02% of the reasons why, apart from the crazy lack of time i have been having nowadays.

I finally decided exactly what cymbals i want, but that would mean also knowing exactly how much i would have to fork out. It's the holidays now, and other than taking a break, i have been trying hard to fill every free day i have with work at faceshop, in hope of gathering up a big enough bulk of cash to pay for my cymbals.

The band's doing well, arranging some stuff for our songs and earnestly hoping we can squeeze out enough time to record some real demos. Having to attend school seriously dampens the whole hobby of making music. After a whole day at school having to listen to supposedly useful lectures, cramming to meet project deadlines and not forgetting the tests, the energy left for a jamming session at night seriously takes its toll. But that's when the band comes in, having fun together (stupid drag me to hell show, stupid show, stupid show), stuffing ourselves with late night suppers, and who could forget the feeling of making good music together. Everything somehow becomes worth it after that. Rachel Lewis left for L.A. today for a 6 week summer study. Enjoy.

This never fails to make me laugh.

One other thing that's been taking up most of my time: THE MUSICAL. Having to record all the tracks and having a small role in the musical is no joke. So, for all the effort, do come and attend the musical. I'll probably be asking you to buy a ticket from me when i see you, it's only $5. All the songs are self-composed and arranged (they will be good i promise), the dances, the script (not the band) and everything else.

3rd July, 7.00pm, Hinghwa Methodist Church: The 17 Year Old Virgin

Kelong trip on thurs till sat. Finally, a much awaited break from the stupid hustle, bustle, and rush of Singapore.

Till then.

Friday, May 22, 2009


I've got many things to say so yes, this should work.

I'm happy because:

- I got a new phone not too long ago
- I passed my FTT on the first try
- I secured my internship
- It's fri now, and that means the weekends
- There will be a kelong trip in the June holidays
- We are nearly done with all the songs for the church musical that's happening in July
- My drumset will be arriving
- I'm alive

I'm sad because:

- One of my favourite pants has a nearly irreversible split
- The weather is making me perspire alot
- Mid-sems are just around the corner
- I'm sitting down and not running
- NAPFA's coming and i can't pull myself up
- Kris, the one who shouldn't win, won
- The drumset will only arrive in about 6 months
- Cymbals are expensive
- I just got news that an ex-classmate had passed away

Life has been pretty routine recently with school, but the usual dinners and suppers are really helping to make school life have a life. The band is coming around, struggling to record as many demos as we can to give ourselves some credibility. Then again, we don't know whether we want to be credible cause not being credible, would mean being in-credible. Hmmmmm. Ah well.

Till then.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Thou shalt not steal.

As my parents left home for cell earlier just now, my maid asked why a bike was missing, leaning on to the perception that maybe i took it when i left home. Alas, it was not to be as we soon realised the bike had been stolen, with fragments of the lock left on the ground. As much as i was shocked, i was actually raging quite a bit inside, which was something i haven't felt in a long long time. Putting aside the fact that i contributed to the cost of the bike, i was really unhappy over the fact that someone stole the bike. And mind you- we stay at like the top floor, where there isn't a lift landing, so the fella probably was eyeing the bike sometime ago.

At that time, i just wanted to do something really severe to the person who had taken the bike, but there was of course no way. And that feeling sucks, it's as good as having a whole happy meal staring in your face when you're starving without being able to do anything, while someone cycles the happy meal away. I've actually tried searching forums for people selling a wheeler bike just so i could get some leads, so csi. Thank God i'm using an external keyboard from my laptop, cause the primary keyboard would probably have died the way i stomped onto the keys with my fingers. I suppose i should give up though, someone who can't afford a bike probably can't afford a computer, much less internet. Oh wait, why not steal a computer and tap into someone else's wireless.

I managed to slowly cool down after a while as i failed in finding any leads at all (CSI is a lie, probably only 20% of cases attempted actually get solved). Which got me thinking, why people would actually steal. I don't claim to be perfect, and for one, certainly doesn't boast a clean slate. I admit to stealing from my own parents (not a very small sum), the school bookshop, mamashopssssss, supermarket and bla bla bla back in the day. It was fun though, but you know what i thank God for? I thank God that he gave me a conscience so after i stole, the joy would last for a min or two, then the guilt would set in, or much rather creep in. Also, for the fact that i have been past that phase.

I definitely could afford the things i stole, but the thrill of having my heart beating really fast as i anticipated the storekeeper's move and having to make a quick dash from the mama shop was indescribable. And so was the guilt, as mentioned. I'm not perfect, but i know what it feels like to resist temptations, and i know that simple happiness (if you would call it that), that you get when you know you managed to overcome a temptation. And that actually happened not too long ago, as i made a purchase with the cashier failing to count the exact number of aluminum trays i got: That would mean paying about $4 lesser from the normal bill. And you know how tempting it is when that happens, but as one of the many super long seconds in my life passed, i was glad i told the cashier about the mistake as i lifted my head up high like i owned the world, with a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart.

My mum said something like this once, "Would you rather keep your soul, or sell it for ________ (insert thing you stole here, which for me was $4)?" How cheap i could've been.

So, to the certain someone who stole the bike, i know you sold your soul for maybe much more than $4 which could be worth it from what you feel, but i hope your conscience isn't killing you right now. Even better actually, if you're somehow miraculously reading this, don't worry but feel free to tag on the tagboard, i won't bother checking your IP address or whatsoever cause you probably tapped onto someone's. I do hope you enjoy the bike, which was actually a birthday gift to my father that he can cycle so freely, rather than a stolen bike i wouldn't even dare take a pedal on. But remember not to be cycling around the area, cause if i do see you around, i would gladly take the bicycle back from you. Here's to your bright future ahead with a bike you can call your own! Careful when you cycle across the road. =)

Till then.